Happy New Year! This last year was a crazy one and It seems like nothing came easy and everything was 3 times the usual workload. I’m not one to complain or at least I try avoiding what it is I can’t control. I’m a firm believer of positive over negative. With that being said, it’s looking like 2022 will also be a year of learning and maneuvering so I’ll take it in stride. For those of you who don’t know I’ve been having major issues with getting this vinyl to your doorstep but I think I just might have found a reputable manufacturer who’s willing to take on the 7”, 12” and we’re now looking into the full Where Do I Go From Here? album. I’ve already been short changed by a vinyl manufacturer who took the money and decided to outsource and shift the blame on when exactly I’ll get the product I’ve already paid for. If anybody would like to get a refund I’d gladly do so with no issues. If this is the case feel free to email me at dizmusicbiz@gmail.com. The digital download is already yours and when I have the product in hand I can reach back out and see if you still have any interest in the “pre order”. You’ve been more than patient and it’s much appreciated.
I’m urging everybody to please subscribe to my official website www.therealdizzydustin.com. Social media sites have continued to ask for me to pay to reach my supporters, fans, family and friends and after looking into it further I’ve also found out that they do in fact slow your progress/posts if you decide to NOT do so. I’m over it and I’m happy with my tight support group and feel no need to keep fishing for new listeners, if it happens cool, if not I’m satisfied with those who are devoted and have supported me since day one. Again, thank all of you for the love and support.
Oh, yea! My Youtube needs some help, it’s looking pretty pathetic
At the moment please head over and give me a follow and some likes would be much appreciated. As always, please give it a share as well. Much needed and appreciated.
Live Long & Prosper,
The Latest 7/04/21
The Wait is Over: It’s been a long and crazy journey but the wait is finally over. The Where Do I Go From Here? album is finally mixed, mastered and ready for it’s digital release. First and foremost I want to thank Pandamonium for all the hard work and amazing production that brought this album to life. I wanted to do a more mature album, something outside of the usual happy go lucky sound i’ve been accustomed to in the past and it wouldn’t of happened without the Pandaman! Secondly, I have to thank all of those who contributed to the album. What started off as a “No feature” project ended up with a few features lol. Last but not least I have to thank all of you who have been patient while this project was being put together. We’ve had some RAIN DELAYS as well as other issues but all in all it worked out for the best. I hope you guys are happy with the end product and thank you for letting the Old Man get some shit off his chest. The album is available —> www.therealdizzydustin.bandcamp.com and those of you who have pre ordered the album will be emailed the digital copy over the next few days followed by the hard release pre order package a few weeks after.
Live Long and Prosper,
The Latest 5/11/21
What’s good everybody! Hope life’s treating you well. Things are starting to look up and getting back to normal or at least close to it. Here’s a quick little update of the release of the Where Do I Go From Here? album. We’ve had some delays and a few little setbacks due to the hack attack on the Good Ol Mac as well as some issues with my sinuses that kept me from recording vocals but I’m happy to say that i”m all clear (pun intended) and ready to send this album out to master. We’ve been blessed to have a multiple grammy award winner take the reins and Pandamonium and I are beyond stoked. We can’t wait to hear the polished project and get it you guys asap. In the meantime I’ve knocked at a quick little 16 to show my appreciation for your patience. Free download @ https://therealdizzydustin.bandcamp.com/track/hold-tight-16-bar-update as well as here on the homepage. Hope you enjoy it!!!!!
The Latest 3/26/21
The Drop Cypher! Featuring 40 MCs from across the globe, 15 seamless beat changes produced by Pandamonium.
Head on over to my official YouTube Channel and check out the visual promo video and make sure you subscribe while you’re there.
Live Long & Prosper,
The Latest 3/02/21
What good folks! I hope everybody is still maintaining during these crazy times. I’d like to start by saying thank you to all of those who have purchased a pre order package of the Where Do I Go From Here album, including those of you who have purchased songs via my bandcamp page. It’s greatly appreciated and this project would have never got the launch it deserves without your support. The album is a couple days away from completion and then it’s on to working out the budget to get it to your doorstep. Again, thanks for all the love and support.
My BandCamp page www.therealdizzydustin.bandcamp.com has been updated and for now i’ve decided to make all songs and albums FREE OF CHARGE to show my gratitude. The12″ vinyl Pre Order of Rain Delays ft Masta Ace is also available for you vinyl junkies. Make sure you head on over and get your DL on and like always feel free to share. This helps out more than you know.
Live Long & Prosper,
I’m hoping everyone has comfortably settled in to 2021 considering all the
madness being thrown about. As for the latest, I’ve barricaded myself in the vocal
booth knocking out these joints in hopes to finish the Where Do I Go From Here
album here within the next few weeks. This means I’m just about there and can’t
wait to wrap it up and deliver it to you fine people.
Pre Orders are doing well however we still need a final push to get the project
manufactured, packaged, sealed, shipped and delivered. We have packages well
within everybody’s price range and if you act now I’ll throw in the limited edition
Oxygen (baby blue) 7” vinyl featuring Jurassic 5’s very own Akil the MC.
Pre Order Packages here —> www.therealdizzydustin.bandcamp.com/merch
Some of you might of heard that I’ve been hacked and lost just about everything
as well as all my contact so if you have yet to do so please subscribe to this
website —>www.therealdizzydustin.com and my new YouTube Channel —>
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY1r7uaNWWbNpBQprS8k8tw while you’re at
it. I had to start all over with a new channel as well. The hits just keep coming.
I said I wasn’t going to do it but it seems that a lot of you are digging my recent
release 55th & Lemon so yea, against my better judgement I just added it to
Bandcamp —> www.therealdizzydustin.bandcamp.com (please subscribe there
too). It’s also available to DL straight from here, my official websites Home Page
I think that about wraps it all up so please, get your scribe on, the links are below
then head over to my Bandcamp page and check out the new song.
Live Long & Prosper,
Here’s the latest. Lots going on here at the moment. The album “Where Do I Go From Here” is shaping up nicely. Im happy to say we’re more than halfway done and and the finish line is right around the bend. We’ve added some legendary features to the album and I cant wait to let the cat out the bag but you’ll just have to wait for the time being. My Bandcamp has been updated with new merchandise, songs, past and present so make sure you take advantage of the “Name Your Price” feature because soon I’ll be adding a price tag in hopes to raise money for the WDIGFH album. With that being said Pandamonium and I have put together some great Pre Pay Packages to help us finance the project. No need to worry there’s a package for everybodys wallet. All money made will go to album manufacturing (cd&vinyl), Exclusive 7″, promotional fliers, stickers, posters, product placement, press and publicity. This gets expensive and we dont want to half ass it so all purchases are needed and much appreciated. Head on over to my bandcamp and have a gander at the newley add joints and FRESH GEAR. www.therealdizzydustin.bandcamp.com
Thanks again for all the love and support!
I cant thank you enough, – dD
After a few set backs we were finally able to turn out a solid mix of Oxygen featuring Akil The MC (Jurassic 5) for your listening pleasure. Not only is this song available as a free download we’ve also kept our promise when saying that our subscribers will receive special benefits. With that being said, Pandemonium decided to drop a REMIX!
My Rhymes the Oxygen
During these crazy times most of us forget to sit back, take a deep breathe and take in the fresh air. The new single Oxygen featuring Jurassic 5’s very own Akil the MC is just that, a breath of fresh air needed to get us all through the madness were all going through as of late. Take a minute or two and take in OXYGEN.
As promised, after a long week of grinding it out, Pandamonium and I have delivered. It wasn’t easy, we had a few issues but fact still remains the song Bricks To Build from the upcoming album Where Do I Go From Here is now available to all subscribers. I thank you so much for taking the time to help build the community and the continued support after all these years. I hope you enjoy and feel free to hit up your friends, family and hell even your enemies, let them know how they too can receive the Free Download.
Hey what’s good everybody? As a lot of you know I’ve been fed up with these social media companies holding by fan base hostage and asking me to pay to reach all of my supporters. Well, I’ve finally decided to take some action and do something about it.
I know, personal websites are a thing of the past but then again so am I. I’m hoping to connect with all my original, present and future supporters as well as keeping all of you up to date with the latest news, events and projects. Being that a lot of you are sprinkled all around the globe I’m also hoping this will give us all a place to connect with like-minded people. We still a few things to add, like a forum and such but If you have any ideas feel free to chime in.
Thank all of you for taking the time to subscribe, visit and poke around. Your support has always been appreciated and again, this doesn’t work without a solid foundation and all of you make that foundation for which I stand on.
Peace and prosperity.